
To download the latest version of iCal to Google Calendar import utility for Mac OS X Ctrl-Click here and choose Download Linked File to Desktop .

iCal2GCal Import Utility

Mount the volume and copy the ical2gcal.scpt file to either:

/Library/Script [for all users]


~/Library/Script [for your account only]

Using the script is easy. Try this -

  1. Load .
  2. Choose Mail...Preferences...Rules
  3. Create a new rule
  4. To limit the rule to only being used on messages with iCal attachmentssetup the rule to only work against attachments that contain ".ics"
  5. Set the rule to run an applescript and choose the applescript (i2gcal.scpt) you have just downloaded.
  6. Enjoy!

If you copied the script to the Scripts folder it wil also be available to run from the Scripts Menu Bar. Just highlight the messages you want to process and run the script.

Remember, if you find this useful please donate.

Registered users receive lifetime free updates and a "nag free" version of this utility. To Register and donate go here.

If you like this script check out the Address Book Google Calendar Add script here.